Monday, February 18, 2013

God works in Mysterious ways

When i read this story all i wanted to do was to go down on my kneels and give him thanks, no matter  how you look at it, its the power of God in action. Here is the true life story of a man who works in an oil firm
My name is Peter, I'm 42 years old i work in an oil company, i was given 26million Naira cash late evening (after the close of bank)for a contract. I never knew it was a set up. My manager set me up so that i will be killed and the money recovered for him. When i was sleeping something came to my mind and i left to the toilet to ease myself, as i was in the toilet i heard my wife shouting ‘he is not at home and he didn't sleep here today, please have mercy, i beg’. Then i pick up my phone and called the police from the toilet and my house was surrounded by the police men, the armed robbers beat my wife until she told them where the money is. Then they ran outside with the money, and they ran into the police. They were shot three where dead and one was taken to the police station. They confessed that my manager sent them to kill me and bring back the money. 

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