Friday, December 14, 2012

Please choose Heaven

Brothers, Sisters, Mummy's, Daddy's Please hell is not just a place that bad people go, neither is it a place were devil live. Is far more than that. Imagine you with cancer, aids, and every form of horrible disease this world could possibly have, yes imagine all your senses that is ears, nose, tongue, eyes, and skin being afflicted with constant pain and suffering imagine and yet is not even close to an inch of the kind of suffering you will pass through in hell. Some people think when they die and their souls enter hell they wont be able to feel any pain, wrong. In hell your senses will be more alive than on earth, so please choose Heaven.

You might say to your self that you will be able to survive or able to stand the pain. But think about it, how long will you be able to resist the pain, is not just a year or two, is not just a thousand years, it goes on and on and the worst is your oppressors derives joy in your pain, so please choose Heaven.
But God loves us, He cant let His children pass through this pain. While true talk, God loves his children but HE sent his Son to die for and wash away sins. If that’s not Love I wonder what I will call it.

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