1. Don’t judge people until you know the whole story: Someone once said, “Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
2. Don’t inherit other people’s enemies: It is wrong when you automatically make your friend’s enemies your own. Also, it is not in all situations that your enemy’s friend is your enemy! It was an Egyptian (a servant to an Amalekite – David’s enemies) that God used to help David RECOVER ALL in 1 Samuel 30: 11. This man was among those who was part of the invasion! Have a sensitive and an open mind this year!
3. Don’t be used as a weapon in other people’s battles or other people’s CROSSES! Don’t carry the cross God has not given you to carry! Refuse to be used as a weapon in other people’s battles even if your relations or friends are involved. Be a peacemaker and not a catalyst of war this year!
4. Don’t FORGET SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE! You’ve heard about emotional and financial intelligence, but how about social intelligence? This is the kind of intelligence that keeps you BALANCED and NEUTRAL in the war front of life!
When people are trying to pollute your mind against someone else, until you have thoroughly confirmed the TRUTH of the claims before you, you should not judge! Magistrates and Judges are trained to have this kind of intelligence in order to avoid wrong judgments.
5. Don’t use your children as weapons of war: God can use your enemies to bless your children! Your children will need to discover their enemies for themselves; never use your position as a parent or guardian to make your children fight others.
6. Don’t spread false rumours about others this year! Rumours are carried by haters; spread by fools and accepted by idiots! AS A POLICY: Don’t talk about people behind their backs!
If the person is not there, SAY NOTHING NEGATIVE! When you have issues with people, try and discuss it with them. Someone once said, “Don’t talk about me until you have talked to me! Any of these DON’TS can become your TESTIMONY BARRIER and can SLOW YOU DOWN this year! Be WIse! Be an oasis of solutions to men!
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