Monday, May 18, 2015

Am a Christian

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Am a Christian
Am ridiculed, mocked, laughed at
Am persecuted, my place of worship bombed, and am killed every day
but my mind is not shaking cause am a ChristianYou slap me, I turn the other Chick
You kill my brothers, My Fathers, My Mothers, kill my sisters even my little children are killed in my presence
yet I pray for you, ask my God to Forgive you and bless you
Cause am a Christian
On Christ the Solid rock I stand, On Christ my foundation is built
By his grace I know and believe I can face tomorrow
because am a Christian
Am not worried about the economy situation
Am not worried about loosing a Job, or slow business
Cause when people are saying, there is a casting down I will say there is a lifting up
Because am a Christian
My eyes is not set on the things of the earth, or things below

My eyes is not set on the economy situation, or in a GodFather No
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Yes the God who made Heaven and earth is my Father and Friend
Why shall I fear, why shall I be shaking
Even if they come in there thousands from one way they shall flee in several ways
Cause greater is He that is in me then he thats is in the world
Am a Christian that for a fact I know but the question is
Are You?

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