Tuesday, January 21, 2014

No More Comfortable Christianity


These last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster for me emotionally, mentally, and spiritually because of one simple prayer.
A prayer I don’t know why I continually repeat.
A prayer that is constantly on my heart.
“Break my heart for what breaks Yours”.

And God has answered that prayer, because heartbroken  I have been as I have started seeing the world through His eyes.
As I’ve been feeling His hurt and His joy with my own heart.
I’ve been heartbroken by the things I read in the newspaper.
The things I hear about from others.
The things I see on tv.
Stories of a broken world that is so full of evil. Of hardship. Of hurt.
A world that so quickly forgets that there is so much more to life than what is in it. .
A world where people could care less about the One who bore their sin and shame on a cross for them.
People who devote their lives to being comfortable on earth and they forget that they were made for heaven.
People who are more interested in what will happen to their favorite character on tv then to the people dying around them.
People who have enough time to go have fun, but they have not time for God.
And more than anything I’ve been heartbroken by my own life.
By the many times I choose the snooze button over spending time with God in the morning.
The nights I stay up worrying about my future instead of trusting Him.
The times it’s easier for me to turn to entertainment when I have free time to spare instead of turning to Him.
The times I’ve chosen my own comfort over obedience to His will.
The times I hold on instead of let go to things that are not meant for me.
I feel like God has opened my eyes to see in a way I never have before.
I see life through His eyes.
In His perspective.
By His heart.
And it’s left me broken and on my knees.
That the One who’s done so much is often times forgotten.
By the world.
By believers.
By me.
That the One who is the center of our songs, our church services, and our Bible studies is not the One who is really the center of our lives.
Sometimes we talk about how we feel that God forgets us or overlooks us.
But the truth is… often times we are the ones who forget Him.
Who put Him in the backseat of our lives until the next problem comes around.
Who make time for Him when it fits into our overbooked schedule.
Who serve others only when it’s convenient to us and requires little sacrifice.
So, I’ve been brokenhearted.
By the world.
By people.
By myself.
At how selfishly I live, as if this life is truly my own.
At how easily I slip into “comfortable Christianity”.
One where I can turn a blind eye to what breaks the heart of God.
To the broken and empty people in this world that I have no time to witness to because I have “more important” priorities.
To the Word of God that convicts me and changes me from the inside out.
To my own selfish desires and pursuits that I put above God’s.
My challenge to you this week is to think about your relationship with God.
Is there anything that you are doing that breaks His heart?
Any priorities that need to change?
Any people you need to invest into and not overlook?
Lets spend less time doing things that may seem like a big deal on earth but have no significance in heaven.
Let spend less time debating our theological viewpoints over coffee and more time living out the truth and loving others.
Less time worshiping God with our words and more time glorifying Him with our deeds.
Less time talking about our neighbor’s problems and more time bringing them before God on our knees.
Less time working overtime to buy a bigger car or house and more time working in God’s field to bring souls into heaven.
Less time consumed with trying to meet our selfish needs and more time consumed with helping others who are in desperate need.
Less time worrying about where we stand with people and more time caring about where we stand with God.
Less time in front of the computer, our phones, and our tv’s and more time at Jesus’ feet.
Let’s not settle for comfortable Christianity.
Let’s not be okay with being lukewarm in our faith.
Let’s not break God’s heart with our indifference to the lost world around us.
Let’s not break His heart with our lack of desire to pursue Him wholeheartedly.
Let’s place Him in the center of our lives.
Above our busy schedules.
Above our dreams and desires.
Above ourselves.
Let’s be sensitive to God and not break His heart anymore.
Be blessed! 
“Turn my heart toward your statues and not toward selfish gain”- Psalm 119:36

By AnnaBachinsky

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